BestDuurzaam is an energy co-op staffed by skilled volunteers. They advise residents of Best in order to reach an energy-neutral and waste-free Best in 2030. Over 700 members already joined this co-op.
Sustainability is a hot issue, also in Best. Many people grumble about how they must deal with their waste when it comes to the rules the municipality set last year. But that’s just about the rules itself, not because people don’t want to contribute to this whole sustainability issue.
BestDuurzaam recently launched a campaigne to recruit volunteers and no less than 40 people responded to that. They can subscribe to a number of specific projects, which are part of one of the seven set themes such as Collective Energy Generation, Awareness and Education.
Arjan Buchholz, secretary of BestDuurzaam, says: “Together we can do everything. It starts with the citizens. There is a transition of power. We no longer want to depend on large suppliers, but rather take matters into our own hands. And we certainly should not leave it to the government as well! Than there will be no more room for our own initiatives and we will just have to follow the rules they set up. That’s the last thing we should want to happen.”
BestDuurzaam focuses primarily on saving energy. They advise citizens and organisations about it and they also provide educational programmes to schools. “For instance, we tell children they can also put a jersey on instead of just turning up the thermostat.”
To come back to the mission of BestDuurzaam: a one-energy neutral and waste-free Best in 2030. Will we meet that objective? We are not quite there yet, to say the least. A lot still needs to be done and, although all these measures will have a significant effect on our lives, we will have to find a way to live with it.
Check out BestDuurzaam in order to find out more about their activities.