How do you feel about eating meat? A dialogue walk might just do the trick!

Meat or no meat?

According to all kinds of research and statistics, we consume far too much meat. Livestock farming has a huge impact on the climate. And what about animal welfare?

“As a result of the sustainability discussion, people decide to buy solar panels to put on their roof. They explore possibilities to avoid the use of natural gas. They try to recycle rain water. People are quite willing to take all these measures. But when it comes to changing food habits they tend to immediately hit the brakes”. Ilse Bos has experienced this quite often. “People get annoyed when you talk about their habits and lifestyle. They DO want to buy that airplane ticket. Or buy stuff in general. And when it comes to eating meat, you really can push the wrong buttons.  They just feel patronized and they don’t like that at all.”

Ilse organizes dialogue walks in which people can talk with each other about all kinds of subjects. While walking, the subject suddenly becomes open to discussion. “It is not the intention to convert people, but it is necessary that we realize that our meat consumption has a huge influence on our climate. We can exchange ideas and gain ideas while walking and talking. ”

For instance, people have all kinds of presumptions when it comes to vegetarian food. They think it’s not healthy, too expensive and not tasteful at all.  To prove otherwise she is now planning to organize a workshop on vegetarian cooking, She is absolutely convinced it will be a positive experience for those attending.

On her website you can read more about Ilse.

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