In zijn zweefvliegtuig wel te verstaan. Eigenlijk wilde hij piloot worden. Ter voorbereiding daarop regelde zijn vader dat hij een paar weken les kreeg in zweefvliegen. Hij was meteen verkocht vloog een aantal jaren maar stopte toen want zweefvliegen neemt veel tijd
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The Harapan Foundation may be small but they know their job. They are established in Best (The Netherlands) and support small-scale aid projects in Indonesia. Many people wonder: why should we give money to something or someone in Indonesia? Can’t the government
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According to all kinds of research and statistics, we consume far too much meat. Livestock farming has a huge impact on the climate. And what about animal welfare? “As a result of the sustainability discussion, people decide to buy solar panels to
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Pleinbest is a place to meet up on the internet. “We hope residents, entrepreneurs and social organizations will be able to find each other and start sharing things so we all know what is hot and happening in Best. And when that
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BestDuurzaam is an energy co-op staffed by skilled volunteers. They advise residents of Best in order to reach an energy-neutral and waste-free Best in 2030. Over 700 members already joined this co-op. Sustainability is a hot issue, also in Best. Many people
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A place where you can meet your neighbours, right in the centre of your own neighborhood. Surely that will do the trick when it comes to getting connected to people close by. You just pop in for a coffee or a chat
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De Oude Bogten florishes because of trends like sustainaility, consciousness when it comes to food, recycling, keeping bees, integrating with other cultures. In June they celebrate their 25th anniversary and the garden is flourishing like never before. “We do not really know the
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Of course you can throw all leftovers in the trashbin. But how about recycling them into food supplements or animal and plant nutrition? The Bokashi-system does that in an easy and 100% natural way. Bokashi originates from Japan. It’s about fermenting leftovers
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Op de vraag aan Tom wat daar allemaal bij komt kijken lacht hij: Tijd, liefde en vooral: geduld! En heel goed nadenken over de juiste volgorde waarin je dingen doet. Nou was hij dat nadenken daarover al gewend want hij begon al
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An AED needs to be accessible 24/7. That may sound logical but most of the AED’s in Best are located inside a building and therefore only accessible during business hours. Stichting Hartslag will do everything within their power to change that. Ideally,
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